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Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineeringannouncements

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Students completing the three 200-level courses (CHE 201, CHE 202, and CHE 230) must attain a 2.25 grade-point average in order to enroll in the 300-level core CHE courses. Students with a grade-point average greater than or equal to 2.00 can submit a formal appeal of this restriction to the department chair for evaluation by the chair, CHE. Save this Book to Read che 31 introduction to chemical engineering PDF eBook at our Online Library. Get che 31 introduction to chemical engineering PDF file for free from our online library.

Brief description of Chemical Engineering Courses

A- Core Courses

CHE 201: Chemical Engineering Principles – I 3(3,1,0)

Origin and role of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Calculations, Processes and process variables. Material balances in single unit & multiple units for non-reactive and reactive processes including combustion reactions.

Textbook: Felder R. M. and Rousseau, R. W. 'Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes' John Wiley & Sons.

Pre-requisite: CHE 101

CHE 202: Chemical Engineering Principles - II 2(2,1,0)

Energy forms and energy balances and thermodynamic principles. Balances on non-reactive processes Balances on reactive processes including fuels and combustion. Solution of simultaneous material and energy balance equations for process flow sheets using suitable softwares (computer laboratory).

Textbook: Felder R. M. and Rousseau, R. W. 'Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes' John Wiley & Sons.

Pre-requisite: CHE 201, CO-requisite: CHEM 230

CHE 205: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 2(2,1,0)

The scope of thermodynamics. Internal energy. Thermodynamics state and state function. Volumetric Properties of Pure Fluids. Heat Effects. Statements of the second law, and the concept of entropy. Power Cycles. Refrigeration and Liquefaction.

Textbook: Smith, J.M.; Van Ness, H.C.; and Abbott, M.M. 'Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics', 6th ed. McGraw Hill, 2001.

Pre-requisite: CHE 201, CHEM 230

CHE 206: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II 2(2,1,0)

Thermodynamics properties of fluids. Thermodynamics properties of homogenous mixtures Phase equilibria. Chemical reaction equilibria.

Textbook: Smith, J.M.; Van Ness, H.C.; and Abbott, M.M. 'Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics', 6th ed. McGraw Hill, 2001.

Pre-requisite: CHE 205 Deutsch patch crysis: software, free download.

CHE 310: Unit Operations 3(2,1,2)

Properties, Handling, and Mixing of Particulate Solids. Mechanical Size Reduction. Flow Past Immersed Bodies. Mechanical-Physical Separation I. Mechanical-Physical Separation II. Separation based on the motion of particles through fluids. Relevant experiments (Solid Handling, Filtration).

Textbook: W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith and P. Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 2001.

Pre-requisite: CHE 201

CHE 315: Momentum Transport Operations 3(2,1,2)

Fluid statics. Fluid Dynamics. Flow around submerged bodies. Flow through porous media. Flow in Fluidized beds. Flow metering devices. Pumps and Fluid moving machinery. Non-Newtonian fluids. Dimensional analysis. Piping design. Relevant experiments (Friction losses in Pipes and Fittings, Pump Performance).

Textbook: Geankoplis, G.J: Transport Processes and Unit Operations, Allyn and Bacon, 4th edition.

Pre-requisite: CHE 202

CHE 317: Energy Transport Operations 3(2,1,2)

Introduction and mechanisms of heat transfer. Steady state heat transfer by conduction. Individual coefficients of heat transfer. Heat Transfer correlation in convection. Natural convection & Radiation. Heat transfer with change equipment design. Application to heat exchange equipment design. Relevant experiments (Thermal Conductivity, Double Pipe Heat Exchanger).

Textbook: 1- Geankoplis, G.J: Transport Processes and Unit Operations, Allyn and Bacon, fourth edition; F. Kreith

2- M.S Bohn,'Principle of Heat Transfer ' , PWS Pub. company, 5th ed., Boston, 1997.

Pre-requisite: CHE 202

CHE 318: Mass Transport Operations 4(3,1,2)

Principles of Mass Transfer. Principles of Convective Mass Transfer. Convective mass transfer coefficients. Stage and Continuous Gas-Liquid Separation Processes with emphasis on absorption and humidification. Relevant experiments ( Packed Column, Humidification, Drying).


Textbook: 1-Geankoplis ,G.J.: Transport processes and Unit Operation , Alyn and Bacon. 2- Treyball ,R.E. ' Mass transfer operations ' . Mc Graw Hill ,NY 1980

Pre-requisite: CHE 315

CHE 319: Principles of Materials Engineering 3(2,1,2)

Introduction to materials science. Atomic structure of materials. Classification of materials. Crystalline structure of materials. Imperfection in crystalline materials. Materials and their properties. Phase diagrams of solid materials. Materials deterioration and failure. At least two sessions of laboratory experiments. Relevant experiments (1. Hardness Testing, Tensile Properties, Impact Toughness).

Textbook: William D. Callister. 'Materials Science and Engineering an introduction' John Wiley & Sons, 6th ed. 2003

Pre-requisite: CHEM 101

CHE 320: Chemical Reaction Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Mole Balances. Conversion and reactor sizing. Rate laws and stoichiometry: Basic definitions, Stoichiometric table, Expressing concentrations in terms other than conversion. Isothermal reactor design. Collection and analysis of rate data. Multiple reactions. Steady-state nonisothermal reactor design. Introductory heterogeneous catalytic reactions and reactors. Relevant experiments (Batch Reactor, Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor).

Textbook: H Scott Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 4th ed

Pre-requisite: CHE 206

CHE 406: Computational Techniques 2(1,1,2)

General Process Modelling. Modeling examples of lumped parameter and distributed parameter systems. Solution of the system of linear algebraic equations. Solution of nonlinear algebraic equations. Solution of ordinary differential equations – IVPs & BVPs. Introduction to optimization methods – single variable and multi variable optimization, linear programming technique. Relevant computer laboratory.

Textbook: J. B. Riggs, An Introduction to Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers, 2nd Edition, Texas Tech University Press, 1994.

Pre-requisite: MATH 204

CHE 407: Separation Processes 4(3,1,2)

Phase Equilibrium relations and phase diagrams. Fundamentals of stage operations. The equilibrium stage. Graphical and analytical stage determination. Differential versus staged contactors. Application of equilibrium stage analysis to: Distillation, Liquid-liquid Extraction and leaching, Absorption. Relevant experiments (Distillation, Extraction).

Textbook(s): 1. Geankoplis, C.J., 'Transport Processes and Unit operations' 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc, Edgewood Cliffs, N.J.,1993.

2- Coulson, J.M. , Richardson, J.F., Backhurst, J.R and Harker, J.H. 'Chemical Engineering vol.2' , 4th Edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K, 1991.

Pre-requisite: CHE 318

CHE 412: Computer Aided Chemical Process Design 3(2,1,2)

Hand on process simulators e.g. HYSYS, ASPEN PLUS, CHEM CAD, SuperPro. Principles of process design. Heuristics and algorithmic methods for process synthesis. Heat and power integration. Equipment sizing. Optimization. of process flowsheets. Analysis of process safety and environmental cleanness. Relevant computer laboratory.

Che 31. introduction to chemical engineering announcements template

Textbook: Process Design Principles, D. Seider, J. D. Seader and D. R. Lewin, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1999.

Pre-requisite: CHE 318

CHE 414: Process Control 3(2,1,2)

Apply fundamental laws (momentum transport, heat and mass transfer, reaction engineering) to develop dynamic models for simple chemical systems. Examine the dynamics of simple chemical systems. Understand the process control structure. Design the classical PID control for single-input-single-output systems. Analyze the performance and stability of the controlled systems. Relevant experiments (Open-Loop Dynamic of Two Interacting Tanks, Open-Loop Dynamics of Temperature Sensors, Open-Loop Dynamic of Three Stirred Tanks, Determination of PID Settings for Level Control System, Level Control with Outflow, Temperature Control System).

Textbook: Thomas E. Marlin, Process Control – Designing Processes and Control Systems for Dynamic Performance, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2000.

Pre-requisite: CHE 406

CHE 418: Chemical Plant Economics 3(2,1,2)

Introduction to chemical Engineering economics. Process design development. General design considerations. Cost estimation. Depreciation. Profitability, alternative investments, and replacements. Optimum design and design strategy. Relevant computer laboratory.

Textbook: M.S. Peters, K.D. Timmerhaus and R.E. West, 'Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers', 5th Edition, McGraw – Hill, 2003.

Pre-requisite: GE 403

B- Seniors' Design Projects Requirements


CHE 496: Graduation Project -1 2(2,0,0)

This course is aimed at providing the students with the opportunity to unify all their previous courses or utilize it into one project by designing a chemical process and presenting a formal report.

Pre-requisite: Successful completion of 131 cr. Hr

CHE 497: Graduation Project -2 2(2,0,0)

This course is the second part of final year project (CHE 496)

Pre-requisite: CHE 496

C- Foundation Chemistry Courses

CHEM 230: Principles of Physical Chemistry 3(3,0,0)

Molecular kinetic theory of gases, first law of thermodynamics, thermo chemistry, second and third laws of thermodynamics, free energies, adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis.

CHEM 244: Principles of Organic Chemistry (1) 2(2,0,0)

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: Structure, nomenclature, stereochemistry (confirmation of alkane, stereochemistry of cycloalkanes and alkenes (Z, E), synthesis and reactions.
Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Benzene, aromaticity, nomenclature, reactions (activation and orientation), polynuclear urenes. Alkyl halides, nomenclature, synthesis and reactions, optical isomerism (SN1, SN2 reactions)

CHEM 245: Principles of Organic Chemistry (2) 2(2,0,0)

Classification, nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis and reactions of the following organic classes: Alcohols, ethers, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic (and their derivatives) and amines .

Pre-requisite: CHEM 244

CHEM 350: Instrumental Analysis for non-major 4(2,0,4)

Principles and applications of spectrophotometric and Electro-analytical methods in the determinations of Organic and Inorganic samples

D- Elective Modules

Each student is required to select three courses (9 hrs) from one of the following 5 modules:

D-1 Petroleum & Petrochemical Industries module

CHE 441:Petroleum Refining Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Characterization and evaluation of crude petroleum. Application of chemical engineering to the oil industry. Refining techniques, physical separation, chemical conversion and treating processes. Design and costing of refinery equipment. Product testing and specifications. Environmental issues

CHE 443 Natural Gas Processing 3(3,1,0)

Overview of natural gas. Gas treatment – Gas dehydration – Hydrocarbons recovery – Nitrogen removal - Trace-component recovery and removal – Liquids processing – Sulfur recovery – Transportation and storage.

CHE 426: Heterogeneous Reactor Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Application of the chemical kinetics of heterogeneous reactions to the design of chemical reactors, Catalysis and catalytic reactors, Heterogeneous data analysis for reactor design, Catalyst deactivation , External diffusion effects on heterogeneous reactions, Diffusion and reaction in porous catalyst.

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depend on the instructor specialization and/or students' needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

D-2 Desalination and Water Treatment Module

CHE 413: Desalination and Water Treatment 3(3,1,0)

Study of the scientific, technical as well as economical aspects of desalination of seawater and brackish water with special reference to local conditions. Recovery of minerals as by-products. Solar energy utilization

CHE 437 Waste Treatment Processes 3(3,1,0)

Identify the sources and characteristics of liquid waste streams and waste treatment process design, Wastewater Characteristics, Analysis and composition, Treatment Physical, biological and membrane Treatment. Regulations.

CHE 438 : Water Chemistry and Chemical Analysis 3(3,1,0)

Basic concepts of water properties and chemistry needed for water and desalination processes. Basic Principles:, Major aquatic chemical processes, Analytical data required for desalination applications, Principles of disinfection, Oxidation – reduction reactions in water.

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depend on the instructor specialization and/or students‘ needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

D-3 Materials Science and Engineering Module

CHE 430: Corrosion Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Corrosion engineering definition & importance, Classification & Nature of corrosion processes, Corrosion in selected environments, Corrosion testing and monitoring, Corrosion prevention and control.

CHE 433: Electrochemical Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Fundamentals of electrochemical engineering, Electrochemical cells, Thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical systems, Economics of electrochemical processes, Selected applications of electrochemical engineering.

CHE 434 : Extractive Metallurgy and Metals Recycling 3(3,1,0)

Basic concepts of extractive metallurgy. Calcinations, Flotation, Roasting, Pyrometallurgy, Hydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy. Basic processes for metals recycling. Application to selected cases

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depend on the instructor specialization and/or students‘ needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

D-4 Chemical Industries module

CHE 427: Pollution Prevention in Chemical Industries 3(3,1,0)

Study of methods of pollution prevention using traditional and modern approaches. Wastewater treatment Air pollution and its Effects, Process Integration, Training in using linear programming and mixed integer non linear programming software (MINLP) software in process integration.

CHE 428 Production of Building and Cementing Materials 3(3,1,0)

Study of the process and operations involved in production of Building and Cementing Materials. Classification of cements. Bricks and Insulating materials, Glasses. Manufacture of glass. Overview for the usage of Polymers. Adhesives. Case study. Field trip.

CHE 429: Energy and Chemical Industries 3(3,1,0)

Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Announcements 2020

Study of the types and sources of fuels. Optimization of energy consumption in chemical industries. Classification and manufacturing of fuels, Renewable energy sources, Energy and the environment.

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depends on the instructor specialization and/or students‘ needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

D-5 Biochemical Engineering Module

CHE 440 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Provide the students with the fundamental background knowledge in the area of Biochemical Engineering which involves the application of Chemical Engineering principles and approaches to biologically-based systems and processes. Elements of applied microbiology: Enzyme & Fermentation kinetics, Bioreactor design, scale-up and scale-down, Down stream processing.

CHE 445 Biological Wastewater Treatment 3(3,1,0)

Introduce the students to fundamentals of biochemical operations in waste water treatment, stoichiometry and kinetics of biochemical operations, applications to analysis and design of suspended growth reactors and attached growth reactors.

CHE 446 Environmental Biotechnology 3(3,1,0)

Provide the students with the fundamental background knowledge in the area of Environmental Biotechnology. Students should be able to understand the role of microorganisms in processes such as biofilm formation, biocorrosion, mineral leaching, composting, bioremediation and production of a fine chemical from a renewable resource and to understand how to manipulate environmental conditions to enhance or retard a given process.

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Announcements Template

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depend on the instructor specialization and/or students' needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

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  • This data was last updated on Friday, January 22, 2021 5:30:00 PM.
Che 31. introduction to chemical engineering announcements examples

Textbook: 1-Geankoplis ,G.J.: Transport processes and Unit Operation , Alyn and Bacon. 2- Treyball ,R.E. ' Mass transfer operations ' . Mc Graw Hill ,NY 1980

Pre-requisite: CHE 315

CHE 319: Principles of Materials Engineering 3(2,1,2)

Introduction to materials science. Atomic structure of materials. Classification of materials. Crystalline structure of materials. Imperfection in crystalline materials. Materials and their properties. Phase diagrams of solid materials. Materials deterioration and failure. At least two sessions of laboratory experiments. Relevant experiments (1. Hardness Testing, Tensile Properties, Impact Toughness).

Textbook: William D. Callister. 'Materials Science and Engineering an introduction' John Wiley & Sons, 6th ed. 2003

Pre-requisite: CHEM 101

CHE 320: Chemical Reaction Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Mole Balances. Conversion and reactor sizing. Rate laws and stoichiometry: Basic definitions, Stoichiometric table, Expressing concentrations in terms other than conversion. Isothermal reactor design. Collection and analysis of rate data. Multiple reactions. Steady-state nonisothermal reactor design. Introductory heterogeneous catalytic reactions and reactors. Relevant experiments (Batch Reactor, Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor).

Textbook: H Scott Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 4th ed

Pre-requisite: CHE 206

CHE 406: Computational Techniques 2(1,1,2)

General Process Modelling. Modeling examples of lumped parameter and distributed parameter systems. Solution of the system of linear algebraic equations. Solution of nonlinear algebraic equations. Solution of ordinary differential equations – IVPs & BVPs. Introduction to optimization methods – single variable and multi variable optimization, linear programming technique. Relevant computer laboratory.

Textbook: J. B. Riggs, An Introduction to Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers, 2nd Edition, Texas Tech University Press, 1994.

Pre-requisite: MATH 204

CHE 407: Separation Processes 4(3,1,2)

Phase Equilibrium relations and phase diagrams. Fundamentals of stage operations. The equilibrium stage. Graphical and analytical stage determination. Differential versus staged contactors. Application of equilibrium stage analysis to: Distillation, Liquid-liquid Extraction and leaching, Absorption. Relevant experiments (Distillation, Extraction).

Textbook(s): 1. Geankoplis, C.J., 'Transport Processes and Unit operations' 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc, Edgewood Cliffs, N.J.,1993.

2- Coulson, J.M. , Richardson, J.F., Backhurst, J.R and Harker, J.H. 'Chemical Engineering vol.2' , 4th Edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K, 1991.

Pre-requisite: CHE 318

CHE 412: Computer Aided Chemical Process Design 3(2,1,2)

Hand on process simulators e.g. HYSYS, ASPEN PLUS, CHEM CAD, SuperPro. Principles of process design. Heuristics and algorithmic methods for process synthesis. Heat and power integration. Equipment sizing. Optimization. of process flowsheets. Analysis of process safety and environmental cleanness. Relevant computer laboratory.

Textbook: Process Design Principles, D. Seider, J. D. Seader and D. R. Lewin, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1999.

Pre-requisite: CHE 318

CHE 414: Process Control 3(2,1,2)

Apply fundamental laws (momentum transport, heat and mass transfer, reaction engineering) to develop dynamic models for simple chemical systems. Examine the dynamics of simple chemical systems. Understand the process control structure. Design the classical PID control for single-input-single-output systems. Analyze the performance and stability of the controlled systems. Relevant experiments (Open-Loop Dynamic of Two Interacting Tanks, Open-Loop Dynamics of Temperature Sensors, Open-Loop Dynamic of Three Stirred Tanks, Determination of PID Settings for Level Control System, Level Control with Outflow, Temperature Control System).

Textbook: Thomas E. Marlin, Process Control – Designing Processes and Control Systems for Dynamic Performance, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2000.

Pre-requisite: CHE 406

CHE 418: Chemical Plant Economics 3(2,1,2)

Introduction to chemical Engineering economics. Process design development. General design considerations. Cost estimation. Depreciation. Profitability, alternative investments, and replacements. Optimum design and design strategy. Relevant computer laboratory.

Textbook: M.S. Peters, K.D. Timmerhaus and R.E. West, 'Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers', 5th Edition, McGraw – Hill, 2003.

Pre-requisite: GE 403

B- Seniors' Design Projects Requirements

CHE 496: Graduation Project -1 2(2,0,0)

This course is aimed at providing the students with the opportunity to unify all their previous courses or utilize it into one project by designing a chemical process and presenting a formal report.

Pre-requisite: Successful completion of 131 cr. Hr

CHE 497: Graduation Project -2 2(2,0,0)

This course is the second part of final year project (CHE 496)

Pre-requisite: CHE 496

C- Foundation Chemistry Courses

CHEM 230: Principles of Physical Chemistry 3(3,0,0)

Molecular kinetic theory of gases, first law of thermodynamics, thermo chemistry, second and third laws of thermodynamics, free energies, adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis.

CHEM 244: Principles of Organic Chemistry (1) 2(2,0,0)

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: Structure, nomenclature, stereochemistry (confirmation of alkane, stereochemistry of cycloalkanes and alkenes (Z, E), synthesis and reactions.
Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Benzene, aromaticity, nomenclature, reactions (activation and orientation), polynuclear urenes. Alkyl halides, nomenclature, synthesis and reactions, optical isomerism (SN1, SN2 reactions)

CHEM 245: Principles of Organic Chemistry (2) 2(2,0,0)

Classification, nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis and reactions of the following organic classes: Alcohols, ethers, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic (and their derivatives) and amines .

Pre-requisite: CHEM 244

CHEM 350: Instrumental Analysis for non-major 4(2,0,4)

Principles and applications of spectrophotometric and Electro-analytical methods in the determinations of Organic and Inorganic samples

D- Elective Modules

Each student is required to select three courses (9 hrs) from one of the following 5 modules:

D-1 Petroleum & Petrochemical Industries module

CHE 441:Petroleum Refining Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Characterization and evaluation of crude petroleum. Application of chemical engineering to the oil industry. Refining techniques, physical separation, chemical conversion and treating processes. Design and costing of refinery equipment. Product testing and specifications. Environmental issues

CHE 443 Natural Gas Processing 3(3,1,0)

Overview of natural gas. Gas treatment – Gas dehydration – Hydrocarbons recovery – Nitrogen removal - Trace-component recovery and removal – Liquids processing – Sulfur recovery – Transportation and storage.

CHE 426: Heterogeneous Reactor Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Application of the chemical kinetics of heterogeneous reactions to the design of chemical reactors, Catalysis and catalytic reactors, Heterogeneous data analysis for reactor design, Catalyst deactivation , External diffusion effects on heterogeneous reactions, Diffusion and reaction in porous catalyst.

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depend on the instructor specialization and/or students' needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

D-2 Desalination and Water Treatment Module

CHE 413: Desalination and Water Treatment 3(3,1,0)

Study of the scientific, technical as well as economical aspects of desalination of seawater and brackish water with special reference to local conditions. Recovery of minerals as by-products. Solar energy utilization

CHE 437 Waste Treatment Processes 3(3,1,0)

Identify the sources and characteristics of liquid waste streams and waste treatment process design, Wastewater Characteristics, Analysis and composition, Treatment Physical, biological and membrane Treatment. Regulations.

CHE 438 : Water Chemistry and Chemical Analysis 3(3,1,0)

Basic concepts of water properties and chemistry needed for water and desalination processes. Basic Principles:, Major aquatic chemical processes, Analytical data required for desalination applications, Principles of disinfection, Oxidation – reduction reactions in water.

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depend on the instructor specialization and/or students‘ needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

D-3 Materials Science and Engineering Module

CHE 430: Corrosion Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Corrosion engineering definition & importance, Classification & Nature of corrosion processes, Corrosion in selected environments, Corrosion testing and monitoring, Corrosion prevention and control.

CHE 433: Electrochemical Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Fundamentals of electrochemical engineering, Electrochemical cells, Thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical systems, Economics of electrochemical processes, Selected applications of electrochemical engineering.

CHE 434 : Extractive Metallurgy and Metals Recycling 3(3,1,0)

Basic concepts of extractive metallurgy. Calcinations, Flotation, Roasting, Pyrometallurgy, Hydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy. Basic processes for metals recycling. Application to selected cases

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depend on the instructor specialization and/or students‘ needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

D-4 Chemical Industries module

CHE 427: Pollution Prevention in Chemical Industries 3(3,1,0)

Study of methods of pollution prevention using traditional and modern approaches. Wastewater treatment Air pollution and its Effects, Process Integration, Training in using linear programming and mixed integer non linear programming software (MINLP) software in process integration.

CHE 428 Production of Building and Cementing Materials 3(3,1,0)

Study of the process and operations involved in production of Building and Cementing Materials. Classification of cements. Bricks and Insulating materials, Glasses. Manufacture of glass. Overview for the usage of Polymers. Adhesives. Case study. Field trip.

CHE 429: Energy and Chemical Industries 3(3,1,0)

Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Announcements 2020

Study of the types and sources of fuels. Optimization of energy consumption in chemical industries. Classification and manufacturing of fuels, Renewable energy sources, Energy and the environment.

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depends on the instructor specialization and/or students‘ needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

D-5 Biochemical Engineering Module

CHE 440 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering 3(3,1,0)

Provide the students with the fundamental background knowledge in the area of Biochemical Engineering which involves the application of Chemical Engineering principles and approaches to biologically-based systems and processes. Elements of applied microbiology: Enzyme & Fermentation kinetics, Bioreactor design, scale-up and scale-down, Down stream processing.

CHE 445 Biological Wastewater Treatment 3(3,1,0)

Introduce the students to fundamentals of biochemical operations in waste water treatment, stoichiometry and kinetics of biochemical operations, applications to analysis and design of suspended growth reactors and attached growth reactors.

CHE 446 Environmental Biotechnology 3(3,1,0)

Provide the students with the fundamental background knowledge in the area of Environmental Biotechnology. Students should be able to understand the role of microorganisms in processes such as biofilm formation, biocorrosion, mineral leaching, composting, bioremediation and production of a fine chemical from a renewable resource and to understand how to manipulate environmental conditions to enhance or retard a given process.

CHE 422: Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (1) 3(3,1,0)

Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Announcements Template

This course involves a variety of selected topics in chemical engineering. The contents of course depend on the instructor specialization and/or students' needs and/or contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: CHE 318

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  • Arranged under Bldg & Room indicates a classroom is not assigned. Please contact the department for more information.
  • This data was last updated on Friday, January 22, 2021 5:30:00 PM.

Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Announcements Paper

NotesSecSLNCrDays & TimesBldg & RoomDatesInstructorLimitEnrolled
CHE 110 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
V01 039362M,W10.10-11WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30P Pfromm6048
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 211 Process Simulation
V01 039373TU,TH13.25-14.40WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30P Pfromm7023
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 321 Kinetics and Reactor Design
V01 039383M,W,F10.10-11WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30H Lin6028
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 332 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
V01 080673M,W,F9.10-10WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30D Wu8529
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 334 Chemical Engineering Separations
V01 039393M,W,F14.10-15WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30C Ivory7028
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 422 Catalysis: From Fundamentals to Industrial Applications
V01 080683TU,TH13.30-14.45WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30N Kruse308
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 433 [M] Chemical Engineering Lab II
H$01 039402TU,TH9.10-12ETRL 4Jan 19--Apr 30D Thiessen1918
H$02 039412TU,TH14.50-17.40ETRL 4Jan 19--Apr 30D Thiessen1919
CHE 451 [CAPS] [M] Chemical Process Analysis and Design II
V01 039423M,W,F15.10-16WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30M Levin8539
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 462 Applied Electrochemistry
V01 088753TU,TH12-13.15WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30S Ha5026
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 481 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
V01 07262VM,W,F14.10-15WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30J Mcewen408
Special Topic Title: Topics in Chemical Engr
Atomistic Methods. Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
02 15007VM,W,F10.10-11WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30X Zhang4016
Special Topic Title: Topics in Chemical Engr
Pulp and Paper Processing
CHE 485 Interfacial Phenomena
V01 150193M,W,F9.10-10WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30S Saunders4019
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 488 Professional Practice Coop/Internship I
VXS01 VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30(multiple)52
This section is a web-based section and does not meet in a regular classroom. Students should register for the appropriate 488 course in their major - BIO_ENG 488, CHE 488, CE 488, CPT_S 488, EE 488, ME 488, or SDC 488.
More Information
Location: Global Campus
CHE 495 Chemical Engineering Internship
VS01 2ARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30J Petersen50
CHE 498 Technical Seminar
VS01 039441M11.10-12WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30J Petersen14032
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 499 Special Problems
VS01 VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30(multiple)250
CHE 527 Chemical Thermodynamics
©01 082553M,W,F10.10-11WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30B Vanwie3516
CHE 529 Chemical Engineering Kinetics
©01 082563TU,TH9.10-10.25WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30H Lin3520
CHE 581 Advanced Topics in Chemical Engineering
V01 08706VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30W Dong353
Special Topic Title: Adv Topics in Chemical Engr
Current topics in COVID-19 research.
V02 09690VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30J Mcewen355
Special Topic Title: Adv Topics in Chemical Engr
Computational Atomistic Simulations
V03 14975VM,W,F11.10-12WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30X Wang304
Special Topic Title: Adv Topics in Chemical Engr
Data Driven Methods in Bioengineering. Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
V04 14976VTU,TH12.05-13.20WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30S Ha357
Special Topic Title: Adv Topics in Chemical Engr
Electrochemical Processing. Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
V06 16153VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30J Mcewen254
Special Topic Title: Adv Topics in Chemical Engr
Atomistic Methods
V07 16430VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30A Kostyukova51
Special Topic Title: Protein Bioengineering.
Protein Bioengineering for BioengineersOnline delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
V08 VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30A Kostyukova11
Special Topic Title: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
CHE 585 Interfacial Phenomena
V01 150093M,W,F9.10-10WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30S Saunders355
Online delivery with at least one opportunity each week for students to interact synchronously with the instructor at the original time identified above. The Instructor will define the synchronous interaction.
CHE 598 Research Seminar
S01 039461M16.10-17WEB ARRJan 19--Apr 30J Petersen7557
CHE 700 Master's Research, Thesis, and/or Examination
V01 03947VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30(multiple)502
CHE 702 Master's Special Problems, Directed Study, and/or Examination
V01 03948VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30(multiple)5017
CHE 800 Doctoral Research, Dissertation, and/or Examination
V01 03949VARRGTARR ARRJan 19--Apr 30(multiple)10042

Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Announcements Notes

Student AffairsSchedules of ClassesCommencementVeteran's AffairsSummer Session

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